railway wayman exam question 2023

railway wayman exam  2023পরীক্ষার জন্য কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর

1. Identify the correct passive form of

'He made me laugh.' 

ক. I was made laugh by him.

খ. I was made to laugh by him.

গ. I was made laughing with him.

ঘ. I was made laughing by him.

উ. খ

2. Panic seized me. The passive form

will be- 

ক. I was seized by panic

খ. I was seized from panic

গ. I was seized with panic

ঘ. I was seized into panic

উ. গ

3. Which one is the correct passive form of the

sentence- 'He satisfied everybody'? 

ক. Everybody has been satisfied by him.

খ. Everybody was satisfied by him.

গ. Everybody was satisfied with him.

ঘ. Everybody would be satisfied at him.

উ. গ

4. The passive form of the sentence 'Enter the

house by this gate' is- 

ক. You are requested to enter the house by

this gate

খ. You should enter the house by this gate

গ. Let the house be entered by this gate

ঘ. Let the house be entered by you by this gate.

উ. ক

5. The passive form of 'Who has broken

the glass?' is- 

ক. By who have the glass been broken?

খ. By whom has the glass been broken?

গ. By whom have the glass been broken?

ঘ. Whom has the glass been broken?

উ. খ

6. The passive form of the sentence "Do

It as I say" is—

ক. Let it be done as is said by me

খ. Let it be done as I say

গ. It should be done as I say

ঘ. Be it done as it is said

উ. খ

7. Which one is the correct passive form of the

sentence 'Panic seized me'? 

ক. I was seized by panic

খ. I was seized for panic

গ. I was seized from panic

ঘ. I was seized with panic

উ. ঘ

8. Which one is the correct passive form

of the sentence 'I know you'? 

ক.You are known by me

খ. You are known to me

গ. You are unknown by me

ঘ. You are known with me

উ. খ

9. Which one is the correct passive form of the

sentence, 'Buy me a pen".

ক. Let me buy a pen

খ. Let a pen be bought for me

গ. Let a pen be bought by me

ঘ. Let me a pen be bought

উ. খ

10. Which one is the correct passive form of the

sentence "Let Rahim all the truth." 

ক. Let the truth be told by him.

খ. Let the truth be told by Rahim.

গ. Let the truth is told by Rahim.

ঘ. Let Rahim the truth be told.

উ. ক

11. Which one is the correct passive form of

the sentence "Buy me a shirt"?

ক. Let a shirt be bought

খ. Let a shirt be bought for me

গ. Let be a shirt be bought

ঘ. Let be bought a shirt

উ. খ

12. Choose the correct passive form of the

sentence : "His conduct annoyed me."

ক. I was annoyed at his conduct 

খ. I was annyed to his conduct

গ. I was annoyed by his conduct

ঘ. I was annoyed with his conduct

উ. ক

13. The correct passive form of the sentence

"They laugh at us. " is- 

ক. We are laughed at them

খ. We are laughed at with them

গ. We are laughed by them

ঘ. We are laughed at by them

উ. ঘ

14. The correct active form of the sentence

"Health should be taken care of is-


ক. We should take care of one's health

খ. One should take care of one's health

গ. We should take care of ones health

ঘ. We must take care of our health

উ. খ

15. Which one is the passive form of the

sentence "Keep your word"? 

ক. Your word must kept

খ. Let your word be kept

গ. Your word should be kept

ঘ. Let be kept your word

উ. খ

16. 'He acted on my advice'- complex form of this

22. Which of the following is the correct indirect

sentence is-

ক. I advised him and he acted.

খ. I advised him that he acted.

গ. He acted according to my advice.

ঘ. He acted as I advised him.

উ. ঘ

17. 'A child likes only sweets'- Negative form

of this sentence is- 

ক. A child likes nothing but sweets

খ. A child likes none but sweets

গ. A child likes but sweets

ঘ. A child likes not more sweets

18. "All men must die"- Negative form of this

sentence is– 

ক. No men will never die

খ. None but all men will die

গ. Nothing but all men must die

ঘ. None can avoid death

উ. ঘ

19. 'Writing is better than reading'- Negative

form of this sentence is- 

ক. Writing is not as good as reading

খ. Reading is not as good as writing

গ. Nothing is as good as writing

ঘ. No other thing is as good as reading

উ. খ

20. Which of the following is the correct indirect

form of the given direct speech? "What do

you want?" He said to me. 

ক. He asked me what I wanted.

খ. He asked me what I had wanted.

গ. He asked me what I want.

ঘ. He asked me what do you want.

উ. ক

21. Which of the following is the correct indirect form

of the given direct speech: 'How long will you carry

me?' He said to me. 

ক. He asked me how long he will carry me.

খ. He asked me how long he would carry me.

গ. He asked me how long would he carry me.

ঘ. He asked me how long he should carry me.

উ. *

22. Which of the following is the correct indirect form

of the given direct speech: "Who are you and what

do you want?" He said to me. 

ক. He asked me who was I and what did I want

খ. He asked to me who were you and what did you


গ. He asked me who I was and what I wanted

ঘ. He told me who you are and what you want

উ. গ

23. Choose the correct indirect form-

ক. She said that she was happy to be there that


খ. She said she was happy to be there that evening

গ. She said that she is happy to be there that


ঘ. She said that she were happy to be there that


উ. ক

1. I saw him play. (Passive) so

ক. He was seen by me play.

খ. Play was seen him by me.

গ. He was seen playing by me.

ঘ. He was seen to play by me.

উ. ঘ

2. Who is calling me? (Passive)

ক. By whom am I called?

খ. By whom I am called?

গ. By whom I was called?

ঘ. By whom am I being called?

উ. ঘ

3. His behaviur surprised me (Passive)

[১৫তম ʅুল িনবȻন ২০১৯]

ক. I surprised at his behavour

খ. I was surpised with behaviour

গ. I had been surprised at his behaviour

ঘ. I was surprised at his behaviour

উ. ঘ

4. I helped her solve the problem. (Passive)

[১৪তম ʅুল িনবȻন ২০১৭]

ক. She was helped solve the problem

খ. The problem was solved by me

গ. Her problem was solved by me

ঘ. She was helped to solve the problem by me

উ. ঘ

5. Rome was not built in a day. (Active) 

ক. The Romans did not build Rome in a day

খ. People were not build Rome in a day

গ. The Romans were not build Rome in a day

ঘ. A day was not built by Rome

উ. ক

6. Do you find your payment too little (Passive)

[১৩তম ʅুল িনবȻন ২০১৬]

ক. Is your payment found too little to you?

খ. Are your payment found too little to you?

গ. Are your payment found too little by you?

ঘ. Is your payment found too little by you? .

উ. ক

7. The passive form of 'Don't do it' is-

[১১তম ʅুল িনবȻন ২০১৪]

ক. Let not it be done

খ. Let it be not done

গ. Let it be done

ঘ. Let not a lie be told ever

উ. ক

8. Never tell a lie. (Passive) 

ক. A lie is never told.

খ. A lie is never be told.

গ. Let a lie never be told.

ঘ. Let not a lie be told ever

উ. ঘ

9. He tried his best. (Negative) 

ক. He did not try a little.

খ. He did not stay unmoved.

গ. He left no stone unturned.

ঘ. He did not turn all stones.

উ. গ

10. Move or die. (Simple)

ক. In case of your failure to move, you will


খ. You move, you will die

গ. If you move, you will die

ঘ. Move and die

উ. ক

11. I went there to seek a job. (Compound)

ক. I went there and seeked a job.

খ. I went there so that I could seek a job.

গ. I went there for seeking a job.

ঘ. I went there and sought a job.

উ. ঘ

12. It burns the prettiest of any wood.


ক. No other is as pretty as it burhs

খ. No other wood burns is as pretty as it

গ. No other wood as pretty as it

ঘ. No other wood burn as pretty as it

উ. গ

13. All love flower. (Interrogative)

[১৫তম ʅুল িনবȻন ২০১৯]

ক. Who does not love flower?

খ. Who do not love flower?

গ. Who did not love flower?

ঘ. Do all love flower?

উ. ক

14. He said, 'I went to Tangail.' (Indirect)

ক. He said that had he gone to Tangail

খ. He said that he had gone to Tangail

গ. He said that I had gone to Tangail

ঘ. He said that he went to Tangail

উ. গ

15. The roads of Rajshahi are wider-

ক. than those of Dhaka .

খ. than Dhaka

গ. than that of Dhaka.

ঘ. than Dhaka's roads.

উ. ক

16. I saw him going to market (Compound)

ক. I saw him and he was going to market

খ. I saw him who was going to market

গ. I saw him to go to market

ঘ. I go to market which he was

উ. ক

17. Jerry was only four years old. (Negative)

ক. Jerry was not four years old

খ. Jerry was not more than four years old

গ. No one but Jerry was four years old

ঘ. None but Jerry was four years old

উ. খ

18. Money is sweeter than honey. (Negative) 

ক. Honey is not so sweet as honey

খ. Money is not as sweet as honey

গ. Nothing is as sweet as money and honey

ঘ. Honey is not sweeter than money

উ. ক

19. He gave me a dress which was expensive.


ক. He gave me a dress expensive

খ. He gave me a dress and it was expensive

গ. He gave me a expensive dress

ঘ. He gave me an expensive dress

উ. ঘ

20. I wish I had seen you before.


ক. How! I seen you before.

খ. Had I seen you before!

গ. Oh! I seen you before.

ঘ. If I seen you before.

উ. খ

21. Besides going to the book fair, I bought a number

of books, (Compound).

ক. I not only went to the book fair but also bought a

number of books.

খ. I went to the book fair and bought a number of books.

গ. Going to the book fair, I bought number of books.

ঘ. I bought a number of books when went to the book fair.

উ. খ

22. There is little milk in the glass


ক. Is there little milk in the glass?

খ. Isn't there little milk in the glass?

গ. Is there any milk in the glass?

ঘ. Isn't there any milk in the glass?

উ. গ

23. I know him better than you.


ক. You do not know him as good as I.

খ. You do not know him as well as I.

গ. You do not know him as well as me

ঘ. You do not know him as good as me.

উ. খ

24. The Padma is one of the biggest rivers in Bangladesh.


ক. Very few river in Bangladesh is as big as the Padma.

খ. Very few rivers in Bangladesh are as big as the Padma.

গ. No other river in Bangladesh is so big as the Padma.

ঘ. No other rivers in Bangladesh are as big asb the Padma.

উ. খ

25. Every mother loves her child .(Negative)

ক. There is no mother but loves her child.

খ. Every mother cannot but loves her child.

গ. No mother loves her child.

ঘ. There is not mother loving her child.

উ. ক

26. Without working hard you cannot shine in life.

(Make a complex sentence)

ক. In spite of working hard, you cannot shine in life.

খ. Though he works hard, he cannot shine in life.

গ. Unless you work hard, you cannot shine in life.

ঘ. Unless you do not work hard, you can't shine in


উ. গ

27. Read to learn. (Complex) 

ক. By reading, you will learn

খ. In case of failure to read, you will not learn

গ. If you read, you will learn

ঘ. Read and learn

উ. গ

28. He is the best player. (Negative)

ক. No other player is as better as he

খ. No other player is as good as he

গ. No other player is considered as best as he

ঘ. No other player is as best as he

উ. খ

29. He is so dishonest that he cannot speak the

truth. (Simple)

ক. He is too dishonest that he cannot speak the


খ. He is too dishonest to be spoken the truth

গ. He is too dishonest to speak the truth

ঘ. He is very dishonest and cannot speak the truth."

উ. গ

30. Did he see anyone in the room?


ক. He saw no one in the room.

খ. He did not see someone in the room

গ. He saw anyone in the room.

ঘ. He saw someone in the room.

উ. ক

31. Only the moon was visible.


ক. The moon was not visible.

খ. The moon was not invisible.

গ. Nothing but the moon was visible.

ঘ. None but the moon was visible.

উ. গ

32. Dhaka is one of the biggest cities in Bangladesh.


ক. No other cities in Bangladesh are as big as Dhaka.

খ. Very few cities in Bangladesh are as big as Dhaka.

গ. Very few cities in Bangladesh is as big as Dhaka.

ঘ. Some cities in Bangladesh is as big as Dhaka.

উ. খ

33. I have no pen that I can lend you.


ক. Having no pen, I can lend you.

খ. Without any pen, I can lend you.

গ. I have no pen to lend you.

ঘ. I have not enough pen to lend.

উ. গ

34. the tea is so hot that I cannot drink

it. (Simple)

ক. The tea is too hot to drink it

খ. The tea is so hot to drink.

গ. The tea is too hot for me to drink

ঘ. The tea is so hot for me to drink it.

উ. গ

35. Would that I could fly in the sky!


ক. I could fly in the sky.

খ. I would fly in the sky.

গ. I wish I could fly in the sky.

ঘ. I wish I fly in the sky.

উ. গ

36. He has a cup of tea everyday.


ক. Doesn't he have a cup of tea everyday?

খ. Doesn't he has a cup of tea everyday?

গ. Has he not have a cup of tea everyday?

ঘ. Hasn't he a cup of tea everyday?

উ. ক

37. He is the best boy in the class. (Positive)

ক. He is a good boy in the class.

খ. No other boy is so good as he.

গ. No other boy in the class is as good as he.

ঘ. He is better than any other boy.

উ. গ

38. I must do this. (Negative) 

ক. I cannot but doing this.

খ. I cannot help do this.

গ. I must not do this.

ঘ. I cannot help doing this.

উ. ঘ

39. I know you. (Complex)

ক. I know what you are

খ. I know who you are.

গ. I know who are are you.

ঘ. I know what are you.

উ. খ

40. Certainly, I shall stand by you (Complex).

ক. I shal stand by you and it is certain.

খ. It is certain that I shall stand by you.

গ. It is certainly that I shall stand by you.

ঘ. There is no doubt that I shall stand by you.

উ. খ

41. I had a nice dream last night

(Interrogative). [

ক. Didn't I had a nice dream last night?

খ. Did not I have a nice dream last night?

গ. Had not I have a nice dream?

ঘ. Had I have a nice dream last night?

উ. খ

42. Although he is poor, he is honest


ক. Despite his poor, he is honest.

খ. Depite his honesty, he is poor.

গ. Despite his poverty, he is honest.

ঘ. In spite of having poor, he is honest.

উ. গ

43. It burns the prettiest of any wood


ক. No other wood is as pretty as it hurns.

খ. No other wood burns is as pretty as it.

গ. No other wood burns as pretty as it.

ঘ. No other wood burn as pretty as it.

উ. গ

44. There is only a high school at Satkhira (Negative).

ক. Not more than a high school is at Satkhira.

খ. There is not more than a high school at Satkhira.

গ. There is a few school at Satkhira.

ঘ. There is nothing but a school at Satkhira..

উ. খ

45. Akhi missed the train (Negative).

ক. Akhi did not catch the train.

খ. Akhi did not get the train.

গ. Akhi did not get into the train.

ঘ. Akhi does not get on the train.

উ. ক

46. I knew his name (Complex).

ক. I know what is his name.

খ. I knew what his name was.

গ. I know what was his name.

ঘ. I knew what name is.

উ. ক

47. He is only five. (Negative) 

ক. He is not less than five

খ. He is not only five

গ. He is above not five

ঘ. He in not aged five

উ. ক

48. If he does not do, he will die.


ক. Do and die

খ. Do or die

গ. He cannot do and die

ঘ. Let him do or he will die

উ. ঘ

49. Everybody knows this.


ক. Does anybody knows this?

খ. Who does not know this?

গ. Who do not know this?

ঘ. Do anybody know this?

উ. খ

50. I wish I were an ideal teacher.


ক. If I were an ideal teacher!

খ. How an ideal teacher I was!

গ. What an ideal teacher I was!

ঘ. If an ideal teacher I am!

উ. ক

51. I must go there. (Negative) 

ক. I cannot but going there

খ. I cannot help go there

গ. I cannot but go there

ঘ. I must not go there

উ. গ

52. Move and die. (Simple) 

ক. If you move, you will die.

খ. By moving you will die

গ. Without moving you will die

ঘ. If you do not move, you will do

উ. খ

53. Though he tried hard, he failed.


ক. He tried and failed

খ. In spite of his trying hard, he failed

গ. He tried hard but failed

ঘ. But for his trying hard, he failed

উ. গ

54. Cricket is a very exciting game.


ক. How exciting is cricket game!

খ. How an exciting game is cricket!

গ. What an exciting game cricket is!

ঘ. What an exciting is cricket game!

উ. গ

55. It is man who is the maker of his own

fortune. (Simple)

ক. Man is the maker of his own fortune.

খ. Man makes his own fortune.

গ. Men are the makers of his own fortune.

ঘ. Men make his own fortune.

উ. ক

56. We are proud of our freedom fighters.


ক. Are we proud of our freedom fighters?

খ. Are we not proud of our freedom fighters?

গ. Are not we proud of our freedom fighters?

ঘ. Don't we proud of our freedom fighters?.

উ. খ

57. Mango is one of the sweetest fruits in the world.


ক. Mango is more sweet than any other fruits in the world.

খ. Mango is sweeter than all other fruits in the world.

গ. Mango is sweeter than most other fruits in the world.

ঘ. Mango is sweeter than any other fruits in the world.

উ. গ

58. If he does not move, he will die.


ক. Move and die

খ. Move or die

গ. He cannot move and die

ঘ. Let him move or he will die

উ. ঘ

59. Though he is poor, he is happy. (Simple)

ক. Despite his poverty, he is happy.

খ. Inspite of his poomess, he is happy

গ. He is poor but happy.

ঘ. Inspite of his being poor, he is unhappy.

উ. ক

60. Priyom is only six. (Negative)

ক. Priyom is not six.

খ. Priyom is not more than six.

গ. Priyom is no more six.

ঘ. Priyom is no less six.

উ. খ

61. He tried all plans. (Negative)

ক. He tried no plan untried.

খ. He tried no plan.

গ. He untried all pans.

ঘ. He did not try all plans.

উ. ক

62. He is an honest man. (Interrogative)

ক. Does he an honest man?

খ. Is he an honest man?

গ. Isn't he an honest man?

ঘ. Doesn't he a dishonest man?

উ. গ

63. He has only a few books. (Negative)

ক. He does not but a few books

খ. He is nothing though a few books

গ. He has nothing but a few books

ঘ. He does not possess a few books

উ. গ

64. I had done the work and went home.


ক. Having done the work, I went home

খ. Being done the work, I went home

গ. Because of being done the work, I went home

ঘ. As I had done the work, I went home

উ. ক

65. He confessed his guilt. (Complex)

ক. He confessed when he became guilty

খ. He confessed that he was guilty

গ. He confessed because he was guilty

ঘ. He confessed though he was not guilty

উ. খ

66. Javed is a boy who is good.


ক. Javed is being a good boy

খ. Javed is not an ugly boy

গ. Javed has been a good boy

ঘ. Javed is a good boy

উ. ঘ

67. I wish I were a king. (Exclamatory)

ক. Would that I were a king!

খ. Would that I was a king!

গ. Would that I am a king!

ঘ. If I could be a king!

উ. ঘ

1. 'Please, keep quiet,' (Make it

passive) - 

ক. You are told for keeping quiet.

খ. You are requested to keep quiet.

গ. Your are requested for keep quiet.

ঘ. You are told to keep quiet.

উ. খ

2. Trees are considered one of our best friends.

(Make it active) 

ক. It is tree which is our best friend.

খ. Trees are our best friends.

গ. We considered trees one of our best friends.

ঘ. We consider trees one of our best friends.

উ. ঘ

3. The unfed should be fed. (Active)

ক. Feed the unfed

খ. We should feed the unfed

গ. Please feed the unfed

ঘ. They should be feeding the unfed

উ. খ

4. What cannot be cured must be endured.


ক. We must be endured what we can not cure.

খ. We cannot cure what we must endure.

গ. Must be endure can cure.

ঘ. We must endure what we cannot cure.

উ. ঘ

5. What have you bought? (Passive)


ক. What are bought by you?

খ. What is bought by you?

গ. What are being bought by you?

ঘ. What has been bought by you?

উ. ঘ

6. Corruption is one of the worst evils.


ক. Very few evils is as bad as corruption.

খ. No other evils are as bad as corruption.

গ. No other evil is as bad as corruption.

ঘ. Very few evils are as bad as corruption.

উ. ঘ

7. We should read books to gain know ledge (Make it


ক. We should read books for gaining knowledge.

খ. We should read books and gain knowledge.

গ. We should read books so that we can gain


ঘ. We want to gain knowledge and so we should

read books.

উ. গ

8. Cricket is a very exciting game. (Make it


ক. Hurrah! cricket is an exciting game.

খ. How exciting game is cricket!

গ. How exciting is cricket when it plays!

ঘ. What an exciting game cricket is!

উ. ঘ

9. Unless you work hard, you will not succeed.


ক. Without working hard and you will not


খ. Work hard or you will not succeed

গ. Work hard and you will not succeed

ঘ. You work hard and will succeed

উ. খ

10. What an excellent idea (Assertive)


ক. It is a very excellent idea

খ. It is an excellent idea

গ. It is more excellent idea

ঘ. It is a very good idea

উ. ক

11. Do or die. (Make it Simple)


ক. By doing you will die

খ. Without doing you will die

গ. By doing you won't die

ঘ. Without doing you won't die

উ. খ

12. He was one of the worst men in the world.

( Make Positive) [

ক. Very few men in the world were so bad as he

খ. Very few man in the world was so bad as he

গ. Very few men in the world was so bad so he

ঘ. Very few man in the world were as bad as he

উ. খ

13. It is more than honesty. (Make it


ক. Honesty is not as much as it

খ. Honesty are not as much as it

গ. Honesty is as much as it

ঘ. Honesty is less much as it

উ. ক


14. Friendship is nothing but a name.


ক. What is friendship but a name?

খ. Is friedship anything but a name?

গ. What is nothing but a name?

ঘ. Why is friendship a name?

উ. খ

15. It is beyond doubt that he is a brave man.


ক. It is doubtless that he is a brave man.

খ. There is no doubt that he is a brave man.

গ. Undoubtedly he is a brave man.

ঘ. He is a brave man and there is no doubt

about it.

উ. গ

16. We should love our country.


ক. Love our country.

খ. Let us love our country.

গ. We may not hate our country.

ঘ. Should love our country.

উ. খ

17. Water-logging is one of the worst problems in our country.


ক. No other problem in our country is as bad as water-


খ. Very few problems in our country are as water-logging.

গ. Water-logging is a very worse problem in our country.

ঘ. Water logging is worse than any other problem in our


উ. খ

18. As soon as the teacher enters the classroom, the students stand

up. (Negative) ক. No sooner does the teacher enter the classroom than the

students stand up.

খ. No sooner the teacher enters the classroom than the students

stand up.

গ. No sooner had the teacher entered the classroom than the

students stood up.

ঘ. The students stood up as the teacher entered the classroom.

উ. ক

19. Jim and Della were as wise as the Magi 27.

Nobody wishes to be unhappy. (Interrogative) (0


ক. Jim and Della were not as wise as the Magi

খ. Jim and Della were not less wise than the Magi

গ. Jim and Della were not to wise as the Magi

ঘ. Jim and Della were not unwise than the Magi

উ. খ

20. Every man must die (Interrogative).

ক. Is there any man who must die?

খ. Doesn't any man die?

গ. Is there any man who will not die?

ঘ. Is there any man who does not die?

উ. গ

21. He worked very hard so that he could succeed in

life. (Compound). 

ক. He worked very hard but he could not succeed

in life

খ. He worked very hard and he succeeded in life

গ. He worked very hard in order to succeed in life

ঘ. He wanted to succeed in life and so he worked

very hard

উ. ঘ

22. Belal is the best boy in the class. (Comparative)

ক. Very few boys in the class are as good as Belal

খ. Belal is a good boy in the class

গ. Belal is better than any other boy in the class

ঘ. Belal is better than any other boys in the class

উ. গ

23. Everybody hates a liar.


ক. Who hates a liar?

খ. Do you hate a liar?

গ. Who does not hates a liar?

ঘ. Who does not hate a liar?

উ. ঘ

24. He is poor but he is honest.


ক. Though he is poor, he is honest

খ. He is poor and honest

গ. As he is poor, he is honest

ঘ. Since he is poor, he is honest

উ. ক

25. He is so weak that he cannot walk.


ক. He is so weak that walk

খ. He is weak to walk

গ. He is too weak to walk

ঘ. He is very weak to walk

উ. গ

26. Della was too poor to buy a gift for Jim. (Negative)

ক. Della was not too poor to buy a gift for Jim.

খ. Della was so poor that he could not buy a gift for Jim.

গ. Della was so poor that she could not buy a gift for Jim.

ঘ. Della was so poor that she cannot buy a gift for Jim. st

উ. গ

27. Nobody wishes to be unhappy.


ক. Who wishes to be unhappy?

খ. Who wishes to be happy?

গ. Who does not wish to be unhappy?

ঘ. Does nobody wish to be happy?

উ. ক

28. Unemployment is a state for a man having no work

to earn money. (Complex) 

ক. Unemployment is a state when a man has no work to

eam money.

খ. Unemployment is a state for a man who has no work

to eam money.

গ. Unemployment is a state of a man who has no work.

ঘ. Unemployment is the condition of a man who has no


উ. খ

29. The man is so weak that he cannot

walk (Simple) 

ক. The man is too weak to walk.

খ. The man is so weak to walk.

গ. The man is too weak for him to walk.

ঘ. The man is so weak for him to walk.

উ. ক

30. Only Rina can do this sum.

(Negative) [

ক. Only Rina cannot do this sum.

খ. Rina cannot do this sum.

গ. None but Rina can do this sum.

ঘ. Any one but Rina can do this sum.

উ. গ

31. What a nice scenery it is!


ক. It is very nice scenery.

খ. It is a great scenery.

গ. It is a very nice scenery.

ঘ. The scenery is very nice.

উ. গ

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